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Semester’s Reflection

Throughout this second semester of City College, my Writing for Sciences has definitely been one of the more popular classes in my schedule. This class had various assignments that ranged in difficulty. It challenged the norms of how I typically write and made me realize certain things about myself. From personal assignments to having different outlooks of the world, I definitely expanded my horizons. I would definitely say that not only my writing improved but so did my research skills. 

This year hasn’t been a normal one; transitioning from class to online did take a toll on how I managed assignments. In the beginning of the course, I didn’t really think much of the first drafts because they just didn’t make much sense to me. But as I began working on my own I realized that the first draft is the most important draft because it allows you to get all the ideas out on paper. The final draft is more for corrections and adding certain things. Based on this, I would say that the Scientific Controversy was one of my challenging assignments because I struggled managing my time when we were at home. Professor Killebrew was able to give me some feedback and I was able to finish my paper. 

During the process of the Scientific Rhetorical Analysis paper, there was a different route that I had to approach: research. Through the CUNY database, as an educational resource I had to find an article with the topic of my choosing. I learned the difference between educational  and media related sources. I learned how to properly cite APA style for my research. I chose to do cloning, which is something that has always fascinated me. Through this assignment we had to analyze the rhetorical situations: purpose, audience, genre and stance. I never really acknowledge those ideas, but with this assignment I started paying more attention to those details and it showed me how significant they are. Rhetorical situations are the context and tone of the articles and determine how it’s written. 

I would say that the Virtual Field assignments were the most fun to do. We had to be creative and choose topics to observe from the comfort of our homes. I chose earthworms for my first one and for my infographic, I chose the environment as a topic. I used my audience as 5th graders and then parents of 2nd graders. These assignments really allowed me to place myself in different perspectives and write accordingly which brought out my creativity. 

I was never really someone who paid much attention to the news willingly, however once our Professor made us subscribe to the New York Times and write about any article I felt so much awareness of my surroundings. There is so much happening in the world and Writing for the Sciences taught me that it’s super important to be conscious of it. I’m very thankful for everything I was able to learn within the outcomes of the course. I honestly feel like I grew as a writer and as an individual. This class has kept me open-minded and made me want to learn more and possibly pursue something science related.